Holy Spirit School provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes Math, Science, Language, Social Studies, Spanish, and Religion at every grade level.
First and foremost, we are a Catholic school, steeped in the traditions and teachings of our faith. Religion is a subject in our classroom as well as a central part of our day. In 2nd grade , our students study and prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. In 3rd through 5th grades students begin to study the mission of the Church, structure of the Church, prayers, scriptures, saints, liturgical seasons and much more. Our middle school students read and study the scriptures in the Old Testament, the Gospels, morality, the Ten Commandments, Church history, and the Holy Spirit.
Our Math program utilizes a variety textbooks and materials to present the diocese-approved objectives for each grade level. From the primary grades where counting, matching, money, time, simple addition, subtraction, and measurement are taught, to the middle school where our Algebra students are learning quadratic equations, the students are always challenged in math. In addition, our Accelerated Math program and STAR Math diagnostic software analyze a student's strong and weak areas and generates extra practice worksheets to allow individualized enrichment for each student.
Science is intertwined in all of our lessons in our early grades. Our youngest students enjoy learning about animals, plants, oceans, conservation and more. By the fifth grade they are actively participating in the scientific method and presenting science projects and experiments to the class. In middle school, the students spend time with Life Science of plants and animals and the Physical Sciences exploring basic chemistry and physics. Middle school students work in cooperative groups to explore a variety of hands-on scientific activities.
Our Language Arts instruction is a primary focus at our school as we recognize that the ability to read and write fluently is the basis for all learning. From the basics of phonics and handwriting, we emphasize the importance of vocabulary development, fluency, and reading for comprehension as well as the writing process at all grade levels. Students in grades 1-8 participate in our Accelerated Reader program which assessing a child's appropriate "reading level" and checks for comprehension after every book they read. In our middle school, students read classic literature, drama, and poetry, and write and present on a regular basis.
Social studies is taught in every grade level. In the elementary grades, students learn about different cultures, holidays, community, and historical figures. By the 3rd grade students are learning map skills and basic world geography. In middle school our students study U.S. history for two years and world geography and ancient cultures for one year.
In addition to our main subjects, our students all attend weekly classes in Spanish, Art, Music, Computers, Library, and Physical Education.