The School Advisory Board is made up of volunteers that help advise the school principal on many school related issues. The volunteers are made up of parents, grandparents, parishioners, and staff members. The School Board by-laws may be found by clicking on the below link.
The 2023-2024 School Advisory Members welcome your concerns and/or suggestions:
Holy Spirit Catholic School
School Advisory Board Members
Joe Nichols (Chairman) is a parent of two graduates of Holy Spirit School and currently has two other students in the school. He works in finance at Land Star.
Suhey Fisher is a parent of one graduate of Holy Spirit School and currently has a daughter in the school. She has a background in early childhood education.
Allison Stanton is a Holy Spirit parishioner who has served on the School Boards at two other institutions, as well as the Parish Teachers Association at two schools in Alaska and California. She is a former Community Liaison for the U.S. State Department serving the U.S. Embassy in Accra, Ghana.
Lisa Evers is retired Coast Guard Officer and Registered Nurse who is currently a Wellness Educator and studying Theology at the Graduate level. Her strong commitment to the Catholic faith is a great asset to our parish and this school.
Patty Crider is a grandparent of two current Holy Spirit students and an active member of the parish. She has served on other School Boards and PTA Boards and has headed-up multiple fundraisers over the years. She has firsthand experience growing up in a military family and has great insights into the unique needs of families that are forced to re-locate every few years.
Fr. John Peter Arul is the Pastor of Holy Spirit School and has served as a parish priest at two other churches with Catholic Schools over the past 12 years.
Patricia Curley Principal of Holy Spirit School, with over 30 years of experience in Education, 10 in Catholic Education specifically. She has served in leadership capacities in various states including New York and Ohio. She's the mother of three strong soldiers and understands the unique needs of military families.